What You Need To Know In Fixture-Pop Display-
Merchandise Solutions Project Development


Any new project need to recognize a time line needed to create a new Fixture-POP Display- Merchandise Solution in executing a well-developed unit to promote and market your product in a retail environment.

Generally, project planning needs to take into account at least a 90 day window from initial concept of need to create Fixture-POP Display- Merchandise Solution, aside from researching a fabricator and designer of the new fixture.

Below are the steps involved and breakdown of the time line:

  1. Once you contact your Fixture-POP Display- Merchandise Solution fabricator and provide the parameters of what you need (See determining Fixture-POP Display- Merchandise Solution parameter section), the designated company needs at least 2-3 weeks to design and develop.
  2. When you receive the 3-D rendering appearance, you and your team need to evaluate the submission based on the following factors:
    • Design creativity and freshness
    • Overall dimensions, respecting retail store guide lines
    • Packaging of fixture/display
    • Graphics
    • Cost
    This will take approximately another 2-3 weeks in reviewing, asking questions, clarification with supplier and potential requesting revisions on the rendering.
  3. This step may or may not be necessary, but if a revision is required it will take about 2 weeks more or less.
  4. The next step after you have finalized all design options of this project as well as costing is PROTO-TYPE. This phase is at least 3 weeks, where an actual working unit can be shipped to you to test out by your team with full loaded merchandise to verify all aspects before production starts. Usually proto-types may have some small finishing imperfections as this unit does not have the benefit of a full run production set up and is mostly hand finished. As this is a team effort between you and your supplier it's not uncommon to have structural modification made when fully loaded and tested as best you can as what you can expect in a retail environment.

    It is also a time for a 'shipping test'. Depending on how you want to ship this Fixture/POP Display to your customers, assembled on a pallet or KD (unassembled with assembly instructions/tools) to demonstrate if the unit is packed properly. Have your supplier ship it to you in that same manner.

    In some cases improvements may need to be made to the proto-type, requiring a 2nd proto-type. Take the time to go through this step. It's a major cost saving factor in eliminating potential in-store problems with full production rollout.

  5. Production generally is 6-8 weeks depending on where some components need to come from, factory scheduling and other parameters that need to be taken into account.

Fixture-POP Display- Merchandise Solution Outline Parameter

This section will help you identify what information you need to give your Fixture-POP Display- Merchandise Solution fabricator to enable them to design the right fixture at the right cost, meeting your display/ fixture needs.

  1. Floor or Counter unit
  2. Number of SKU's per unit (A SKU is your product that can be differentiated by color, size, style, etc., is considered 1 SKU, 1 facing of the product.)
  3. Do you want the unit to rotate/ mirrors/wheels etc.
  4. Space constraints (how much floor space/counter, maximum height)
  5. Age bracket product is geared to
  6. Logo (copy of your logo, other art work needed, in a PDF format)
  7. Target budget/ quantity of initial run of production fixture/display units (very important)
  8. Any special feature you want to focus on, with your product, use, taste, sound, operation, function, etc.
  9. Color scheme that you want unit to be in, ie clear, gun metal, red, green, combination, etc.
  10. Date you need units in your warehouse to meet in store needs.
  11. Samples of your product to be sent to your display/fixture supplier so he can assess the real weight, box size, other important criteria needed in design phase.